Fraudulent OSHA Training Cards? A Disturbing Trend
With the increased volume of construction work in many areas of the U.S., there continue to be increased instances of fraudulent and unauthorized OSHA 10-hour and 30-hour training cards being provided to construction workers.
Not only should contractors have an obligation to verify that new hires and those attending classes have and receive legitimate cards from authorized trainers. It is also necessary for workers themselves to realize what you save in time and a couple hundred dollars could cost a life. And while some may be going out of their way to acquire these fake cards, there are also those who fall prey to "quick and easy" online training scams from “schools” and “training centers” that are not accredited or authorized to provide OSHA training.
DON'T RISK GETTING A FAKE CARD OSHA has said it’s taking action to prevent and minimize fake card activity with reports of the recent uptick in cases of fraudulent OSHA 10-hour & 30-hour training cards being distributed nationwide. Starting from March 2016, OSHA has moved to plastic, color coded cards (and away from the white, paper cards). The new plastic cards also include a QR code that can be scanned to get information which includes the worker’s name and details about their training. OSHA cards are good for 5-years and workers can be issued one replacement card in that 5-year period so by 2021 the older, and easier to fake cards, will be out of rotation. Issued prior to 3/1/16, or for online training The yellow & orange cards are the most susceptible to being copied.
Issued prior to 3/1/16, or for online training:
Issued after 2/29/16:
Workers on big projects (those at construction sites that are required to designate a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator or Site Safety Manager) are required by law to have a minimum of 10 hours of training approved by OSHA and must carry a card certifying completion on all jobsites.
As of June 1, 2019 – a minimum of 30-hours of site safety training will be required in NYC.
The Safety Dynamics guarantee Safety Dynamics has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by IACET (International Association for Continuing Education and Training) and has demonstrated that it complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard which is recognized internationally as a standard of good practice. In order to achieve Authorized Provider accreditation, we completed a rigorous application process, including a review by an IACET site visitor, and successfully demonstrated adherence to the ANSI/IACET 1-2013 Standard addressing the design, development, administration, and evaluation of its programs. Safety Dynamics has pledged its continued compliance with the Standard, and is now authorized is authorized to offer CEUs for programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard. In addition, Safety Dynamics is now linked to the IACET web site and is recognized as offering the highest quality continuing education and training programs. These standards go above and beyond the requirements set out by the Department of Labor. When you take an OSHA course with Safety Dynamics, you can be sure you are training with an OSHA authorized instructor, will be tested to ensure efficacy of training, and will have their records maintained for a minimum of 5-years. (Replacement cards can only be issued if the class was taken within the last five years and only one replacement card may be issued per student per class.)
Sign up for our next 30-hour OSHA - Construction Industry course : HERE
OSHA is asking the public to use a fraud hotline (847-297-4810) to file complaints about possible fraudulent training or card-issuing practices. OSHA has also developed a watch list of trainers who have received disciplinary action related to the OSHA Outreach Training process. These trainers caught by OSHA will be posted on OSHA’s website. Anyone caught fraudulently shortcutting the OSHA Outreach Training Program’s prescribed training format is also subject to criminal prosecution.